Mom redid the bathroom - and now it's rooster-inspired! Looks like another "Jan & Suzanne storm" blew through Lutz - this time leaving fowl strewn about. Here it is before Jim installed the wooden blinds.
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I get that this is old news, but I just came across these pictures.
When we first got Teddy, Adam and I made a promise to each other. No dog of ours would ever wear clothing, with two exceptions: 1 - the occasional bandana, and 2 - a Redskins jersey, but only in two cases - a) Halloween, and/or b) whenever a rally dog could save an otherwise hopeless game. For your viewing pleasure, I give you Tedskin the Redskin on Halloween - wearing my old Laveranues (sic.) Coles jersey from before he sucked:
So early in the day it came out that the Republican candidates for Maryland Governor and Senate collectively bussed in homeless people from Delaware and Philly and had them hand out sample "Democratic" ballots in a predominantly African-American district showing them as the Democratic candidates. Unreal. I had actually not minded the gubernatorial candidate, who was the incumbent, because I thought he had done a decent job.
That was nothing compared to Virginia, though. I guess it was expected, but it is embarrassing that in the home state of the Bill of Rights' biggest proponent, today the Virginia electorate (of which I am now a member) voted to amend the state constitution to say that only a man can marry a woman. I've never understood this issue. I just heard that 30% of Democrats voted for this amendment. Huh? I'm convinced that this issue is our generation's Plessy v. Ferguson and that ain't a compliment.
Before there was the Crocodile Hunter, there was Gatorland. As a boy growing up in Orlando, a field trip to Gatorland meant you saw alligator wrestling and other "educational" things like that.
Sadly, early this morning a fire broke out at Gatorland and destroyed much of their facility. Fortunately, it sounds like all of the alligators survived, which provides a silver lining to this otherwise horrible story. The owners say that they will reopen and that would be great, because in the land of Disney, Universal and over-priced tourist traps, there was something special about Gatorland.
I'm acting like I went there a lot -- I didn't. But when I did go it was fun and it is just one of those small pieces of Americana that just don't seem to be around any more.
Here is a link to some old photos from Gatorland that kind of sum up what the place was.
Let's hope they rebuild, but that they don't change a thing.