Friday, January 05, 2007


So much happens every day that I want to tell you about - and I have so many pictures I want you to see! Posting as many photos as I like is a little tough in Blogger. It takes so much time to get all of the photos added to posts in a way that fits and looks good - Blogger's preview screen is never accurate and it's maddening! So sometimes I just can't get in the mood to commit to what can accidentally turn into HOURS of blogging! I'll quit my complaining and get to it!

Here's what's been happening here since December:

At the beginning of the month, Adam's dad and both of his brothers made the trip up to DC to hang out and, of course, watch the Redskins get their butts kicked. We had a great time! We hit 5 Guys for burgers, The Dairy Godmother for the best frozen custard ever, tried to see the Vietnam memorial (but settled for Korea since it was FREEZING outside), and our friend Laura gave us a tour of the Capitol AND the House floor (which was awesome). By the time their visit was over, we somehow wound up with a 46" flat screen television in our living room. We've been talking about getting a larger TV forever - I think having his brothers and dad around inspired Ad to take action!

At left are Adam and his dad freezing their tuschies off while David has a phone interview in the warm warm car! At right are all of the Zissman boys on the field at the stadium!

In other news, my biggest brother, Brett, turned 37 on the 7th! I can't even believe it. E-mail him and tell him he's old:)

We've been spending a lot of time with our crazy neighbors, Chuck & Becky. We know way too much about babiness now. Luckily for us, they're not Jewish, so we got to trim a Christmas tree! Becky even let Adam hang the candy canes. Thatch pooped out early in the evening, but Ellie hung in their until the last ornament made it onto the tree.

(Both of them are getting so big! Check out
their blog - Becky's taken some adorable pictures lately!) Then the babies experienced their first Hanukkah at our place. Adam made unbelievable latkes and I tried my hand at brisket, which was sort of a flop - at least Teddy was interested in it!

These are pictures of Chuck with Ellie after trimming the tree, Adam with Ted at our little Hanukkah fiesta, and Thatcher relaxing on the sofa, thinking about trying to gum some jelly donuts.

We spent some time in Florida during the holiday season, as well - we figured, hell, everyone else in the US does it, so why shouldn't we? We started out in Orlando where we hung out with the Zissman clan. David and Lauren came over for dinner (Jewish burritos) and we played this insane card game that drove us all to drink.

Another highlight of Orlando was seeing Tayler and Jaime and their baby, Mason. Here he is in his puppy towel, clebrating his first Hanukkah, and wearing a shirt we got him while Adam holds him. It is really disappointing to live so far away from these guys. We really wish we could spend more time together - hopefully Mason will remember us over the years!

Seriously - is it just me, or is EVERYONE procreating? Seems like our blog is a baby blog lately!

We headed to Tampa for the yearly Christmas festivities with our motley crew of a family that we've all sort of self-selected. We hung out with Bonnie and Jenny one night and played Taboo - which was a riot! Such a shame we didn't take any pictures! [By the way, Mom - we accidentally left the game in Lutz! Can you mail it to us? :)] Poor Jenny had Adam and Jim for teammates, but she powered through.

At left is Jim on Christmas Eve wearing his "bah humbug" hat - how appropriate. Believe it or not, he has matching socks. That night, the party at Ruth & Ben's was fantastic, as always. Ruth made her special punch and we had our gift exchange - where Adam got his prized "throw." Poor Tom(my) kept having his gifts stolen, but he was a champ about it! It was so good to see everyone!

Of course, we resumed the festivities on Christmas Day at Suzanne's. For those of you reading this from outside of the state of Florida, you should know that Christmas in the sunshine state is never white - just wet (in terms of both weather and beverages served). Here's a pic of the lovely weather Santa has to navigate to accommodate little Floridian children.

Fueled by a giant roast and "accidentally" strong margaritas (as is tradition), the day was a blast. We wound up playing Balderdash well into the evening. ...and the margaritas definitely took their toll. When someone pulled the word 'Spermohlojjer' from the Balderdash deck, crazy Aunt Ginner defined it as "where the sperm goes when he'
s all through making love." If that's not due to a mixture of tequila and old age, I don't want to know!

Below are pics of Suzanne, my mom's Christmas drink of choice, Tom, and - for those of you who know and understand the infamous Christmas tradition - the winner of the Couch Trout award.

When we got back from Florida, Jon and Alissa came to visit and we went to see the Magic play at the Verizon Center. Adam hooked us up with suite passes, which made it even more fun. It was a reallllly good game - high scoring and really close. The Magic and my boyfriend [one of many] Jameer Nelson ultimately did not come out on top - the Wizards eeked it out in the end.

Right before the the start of 2007, we got a chance to visit Rob & Yvonne in their new home in Maryland. Jeremy & Sarah and their two boys came down to spend some time, so we all got together for lunch. How cute are these kids?! Here's
Isaiah (3) and Koby (9 months) wearing the sweater Adam's mom, Phyllis, made him. E-mail her and maybe she'll make you one!

I have some fun pics of New Year's Eve with Chuck & Becky, too, but I'm starving, so I'll post them later - plus, you could say they were taken in January, so they don't belong in this post anyway!


At 6/1/07 11:01 PM, Blogger Second Shift Mommy said...

Tayler made the same puppy towel picture our desktop background! We miss you!


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