Friday, April 20, 2007

Capetown Might Need More Attractions.

My parents travel a lot. They've been just about everywhere. I guess when you travel that much you run out of interesting things to see. Here is a chat I just had with my mother:

pzissman: Hi Adam are you there
Adam: hi
how is the trip?
pzissman: We are in Capetown and having a great time. Did you know that the water drains in the sink in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. Just a bit of trivia
Adam: i did know that...i hope that isn't the most interesting part of your vacation!


At 20/4/07 8:36 PM, Blogger Second Shift Mommy said...

Okay, I can't see the pertinent part of this conversation, but I am guessing that it is about the way toilets flush. But it is actually not true! It is fake trivia! I heard it once too, and actually looked it up. In a perfect world, this would be true, except toilets flush the way the water is pushed by the toilet, and not really just from gravity. Let your mom know.

At 22/4/07 2:31 PM, Blogger judith said...

gotta trust the civil engineer on this one. sorry, mom.

At 23/4/07 11:12 AM, Blogger Second Shift Mommy said...

As an update to my earlier post, because I am a dork like that:

At 15/5/07 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never said the toilet flushes backward I said the sink drains backward. Also they stir their coffee counterclockwise.

At 15/5/07 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I read the scientific explanation but it certainly "looked" like it was going backwards-power of suggestion. But they REALLY do stir their coffee counterclockwise.


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