DirecTV Cares About Their Customers.
Everyone I've talked to about the DirecTV HD DVR has had problems with it. Some minor, some major. We've had problems since we got it late last year. Yesterday I was fed up with it and decided to try to do something.Step 1: spend an hour on the phone with people who refused to admit that the DVR was a bad product. That call ended with me requesting to be connected to the cancellation department and having the call promptly disconnected.
Step 2: track down the email address for the DirecTV CEO/President and email him my concerns.
I knew that step 2 was a huge long shot, but to my shock, I received the following email:
"I apologize for your problems and will have someone follow up ASAP
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld"
A couple of hours later, Sandy called me to say that someone had called her and was very nice and offered to refund the purchase price of the DVR, send a replacement DVR, waive any termination fees if we still weren't happy and he provided his direct office line in case we ever had problems in the future. He also apologized for the continuing problems with the DVR and explained that they were working hard to fix everything.
It sure was nice to get someone to pay attention to our concerns, even if I had to go to the top to get it done.
This all reminded me of the time my mom asked to speak the manager at Straub's (and Pebbles; and the place that opened next to Max's Bakery; and about 12 other restaurants in the central Florida area) and complained about the meal and we left with coupons so that we could return to the restaurant and have another subpar meal, but with a free dessert or appetizer.
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