Thursday, August 23, 2007

mikegrodin (1:22:17 PM): The Golds and Mark Summers were tight

The title of this posting is provided courtesy of Mike Grodin and is in reference to the early 90s when various members of the Gold family were on Nickelodeon at least every two hours if not more frequently...

...and we are referencing the Golds' prior television experience as a part of an open challenge I am making to Tayler Gold to make his next television appearance...

Tayler: Click Here

Hint: Slade could take down Nitro any day.

(via the great Deadspin)


At 23/8/07 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you Tayler would be at his best making it through that gauntlet where the gladiator is shooting whiffle balls at you from a turret. I could see the gladiator losing him and then Tayler sneaking up from behind and taking him out, Ninja-Style.


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