L'shana Tovah!So good to see Judith, eat some good food, and hang out with the fam...mostly in the kitchen.

Judith and I figured out how to knit this scarf. It's really easy - e-mail one of us for details!
How did Jack and Teddy ring in the new year, you ask? Well, Jack had free run of the house for a whole wekend. We're pretty sure he stayed upstairs in our bedroom the whole time! Teddy got a vacation at Your Dog's Best Friends, which is a cageless kennel just down the street from us. He spent the Friday before we left there, just to get used to the place. We stopped by to check on him before we headed to the airport and he did the craziest thing! The place has half-doors - they often leave the top half of the door open and the bottom closed so that the dogs stay contained, but in view. When Teddy saw us walk by, he dashed over to the door, threw his paws up on the bottom half of the door - it was about 5 feet tall! - and then he proceeded to use his arms to physically pull all 80 lbs.of him up over the door. He was SO determined, he was shaking - using every ounce of his strength - and he would have made it, but we opened he door to hug him goodbye. Now that's love...and a great example of how strong he is and why I'm no match for him!