Long Time, No Blog.
Well, hello. It's been a while! I am nervous that my laziness has finally picked off the last of our loyal readers. Come back! Here's what's been happening:
First of all, I fully accept the criticism that I post way more pics of Teddy than Jack. In my defense, I fee really guilty about how much more face time Ted gets with us, in general. But, in all fairness, Teddy really does ham it up for the camera. Here's that pic of Jack B "in HD" I promised...although CNN doesn't actually broadcast in HD, so I guess I'm a favor-er and a liar. Oh well. In any case, here's Jackie with an iPod, a DVD cord, and some of Solidad O'Brien's hair. *Notice that he is downstairs! Jack feels a lot safer now that he has a "safe room" which Adam made him using this.
In the category of weird coincidences - our neighbors, Chuck, Becky, Thatch & Ellie Kotuby are apparently long lost-ish friends of "the Gaithersburg Golds" neighbors. Strange. Becky said a friend of hers that she never sees called her to tell her that (this is going to be a really long sentence) she was on her neighbors' kids' blog, when she linked to their brother's kid's blog based in Florida. From there, they linked here (to JT&U), and on to the Kotubys' blog. Is that 3 degrees of separation or do you count the connected parties, making it 5? Let's chalk it up to "it's a small world."
Speaking of Golds, if you're one of the several people I know who have never met the Golds or the Kotubys, but love them because you read their blog via JT&U, then you probably know that a faction (ha.) of the Florida Golds visited the capital of America a couple of weeks ago. As the story goes, Tayler and Jaime planned on bringing Mason up to hang out and meet his new cousin, Riley. At the last minute, Adam bailed on the weekend, forgoing a reunion with the spawn of his bff for beer, Miami sunshine, Peyton Manning's hiney, fun time with my biggest brother, and oh yeah - the Superbowl. He had to go - it was a work thing.
Also, the infamous Florida Golds met the infamous Kotubys, so that was cool. Check out Mason Gold's blog for photos! I just noticed that we only took pictures of the kids the whole weekend! Since there are no pics of adults, just know is that I looked hot.
Below: 1- Marin (top), Mason (L), & Riley (R). 2- Mason yanking out Marin's hair (the theme of the evening). He's feisty. 3- Cutie Patutie Mason on his daddy's shoulders.

Jaime and Tayler (and The Husk, believe it or not) also met Teddy for the first time that weekend. Jaime says he's way bigger in person than you can tell from the pictures we post here. So I'm trying to figure out how to convey his whopping 104 lbs. (as of last week). I'll figure out how and post more tomorrow.
Yeah, I had absolutely NO pictures of you. I didn't even realize it until I got home. It was like you weren't even there.
Also, Riley - R-I-L-E-Y.
And, we miss you!
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