Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Adam and I have been travelling a lot lately - in fact, we just got back from a long weekend in San Fran (more on that later). But so many good things have been happening to some of our favorite people. Here's a list of the good new I can think of right now:

Kelly Davis (Davio) passed the CSET, which is this test she had to take to become a teacher in California.
This website explains what it is better - I'm sure I'm butchering its purpose! She was all worried about not passing, but, of course, she aced it on the first try!

Sarah Marks had a baby! His name is Jacob William Marks! Of course, I'm talking about my old friend Sarah Marks who was Sarah Jacobs - not my 2+1/2 year old niece with the same name. That said - Danielle, Sarah, Molly and Rebecca Marks (our perfect nieces): Remember - family comes first, so don't fight over Jake, even though he's a looker.

Shelley Jackson (Horn) is having another girl! That makes 3 girls in a row - good luck with that,

Candice Scott (Burke) and her husband, Jason, found out that they get to stay put in Middle, GA for the next 13 years or so! Believe it or not, this is actually good news! The alternative would have meant that Jason would spend the remainder of his time in the Georgia National Guard getting stationed in random locations every 3 or 4 years, so this is fantastic. Plus, it will be good for Candice's career in government to get to know people and establish some roots in the city.

Dan & Stacey Jenkins had their baby girl on Valentine's Day. Awww. Anyone know her name yet? I'm out of the loop!

I THINK that's everything, but I'll undoubtedly remember 6 more things later tonight. Anyone else notice all of the babiness happening with our friends? This is insane.


At 7/4/07 3:23 PM, Blogger sandy said...

UPDATE: Dan's baby's name is Ava!


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